Roberta Boscolo

Company name: WMO World Meteorological Organization
Job title: Scientific director for Climate & Energy

Roberta Boscolo is leading the Climate and Energy workstream at the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. Her role is to advise governments and businesses to achieve science-based climate adaptation and mitigation targets in alignment with the global landmark agreements on climate change and sustainable development.

In her effort to build an effective interface between climate science and industry she forged transformative partnerships with United Nation agencies, public and private sectors, academia, civil society, media groups and associations through the organization of global conferences and outreach events. She has more than 20 years’ experience in developing knowledge platforms and good practices to support climate-related risk management and carbon footprint reduction.

For many years she served as science officer for the World Climate Research Programme, coordinating scientific efforts worldwide to address the knowledge gaps in understanding Earth climate system. Such knowledge is assessed by the IPCC milestone reports.  Currently she manages a portfolio of several multi-million projects (US$ 30M) in Africa, South America, South East Asia and Pacific.